How you can help!


  1. Go to to see the kids looking for a forever family and those who found theirs.
  2. Go to and make a donation.

Support Foster Families!

  1. Being a foster family is rewarding and difficult at the same time. Many people think foster parents are only in it for the money. When was the last time you say a positive message coming out of Hollywood about foster parents? The truth is that most are wonderful people who are in it for the child’s welfare. Some have a support network; others do not. Your friendship and support will mean the world to them.
  2. Become an Auntie or an Uncle, Grandma or Grandpa to foster children you know. Your influence in their lives will be invaluable and you’ll give the foster family a well-needed rest from time-to-time.


  1. Reach out to the 7,239 members of Freedom Boat Club in the Tampa Bay area by adding your logo to our scrolling Logo widget on our Member website, Our members have money to spend, and they will be appreciate of your support for this project. The cost is $250/year. And, thank you!

What we’re doing…

We are donating to the Heart Gallery each time one of our boats goes out on a boat trip in the 4th Q. We are half-way through the quarter and have raised over $7K to date. In addition, with the Holiday season upon us, our members are being asked to add to our donation when they check out from a boat trip.

Our dock staff will be wearing our “Ask Me About Susie Q” buttons as a reminder, and as a way to raise awareness. We also have our logo cycling on our member’s website. The logo is linked to our website. Go to and scroll down on the Home Page to see what it looks like. For $250 you can have your company’s logo there as well. Our 7,239 members will see it and appreciate your support. We are probably in your demographic (Take Note Marketeers!).

Help us Raise Awareness and Raise Funds for the Heart Gallery. Thank you!

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